Celebrity + Influencer
Brand Integration

Tap into our successful blueprint designed for consumer brands

Partner with high-profile celebrities & influencers to position and scale your brand

We make it easier than ever to create impactful partnerships. Our extensive network and expertise, allow us to quickly match your brand and execute campaigns with the top level celebrities & influencers.

Find the perfect match for your brand

Let's find the ideal partner that aligns with your brand values and target audience through our powerful matching process to create effective endorsements.

Create impactful campaigns

Through strategic placements, paid campaigns, organic seeding and branded content we'll elevate your presence and across Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and media coverage.

Maximize your brand investment

We'll represent your brand to secure prime celebrity rates and maximize deliverables to get the most of each endorsement deal.

Powerful Celebrity Endorsements

We connect brands to celebrities, curating custom collaborations that are genuine and crafted to elevate your brand.

Celebrity affiliation increases trust, expands your brand's reach and drive instant online and offline sales. Here are a few way to integrate a celebrity with your brand.

Paid Social Media

Brand Partnerships

Luxury Celebrity Product Seeding

Celebrity Booking

Digital Advertising

Influencer Marketing at scale

We connect brands with influencers and create custom collaborations on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.
We deliver authentic and carefully designed campaigns to hit your brand's marketing goals.

Our fully managed influencer campaigns will get your brand featured by top influencers, driving brand awareness, instant sales and new followers.

Instagram, TikTok & Youtube campaigns

Product launch influencer campaigns

Targeted Holiday & Event campaigns

On-going monthly influencer programs

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